Games like fallout shelter but better
Games like fallout shelter but better

The scope of this series spans several incarnations, including both single-player games in the form of Fallout 1-4, numerous spin-offs, and a multiplayer experience in Fallout 76.įor fans looking for games like Fallout, Wasteland 2 is a great place to start.

games like fallout shelter but better

From excavating the Nevada desert, scouring for a water ship in New California, or forging the fragmented remains of DC, playing a Fallout game is like getting a brief but beautiful glimpse of alternate history. Taking place in a not-so-far-flung future, the basic set up usually follows setting off onto a savage wasteland that seems out of touch with humanity. Often appearing near the top of most gamers’ Best Of lists, it’s no surprise so many games like Fallout take advantage of similar gameplay mechanics and unique (and often macabre) plots. Fallout’s warped take on a world trying to come back together from the near brink of extinction has become something of a video game mainstay.

Games like fallout shelter but better